All members of St. Gabriel Parish can find opportunities to use their unique gifts and talents in service to St. Gabriel Parish’s mission through ministry. Commission members bring to this service their skills and gifts as well as their Christian faith and a sense of working for the benefit of the community and its mission.
If you are interested in volunteering on one of the below Councils/Commissions, please contact the parish office at (262) 628-1141.
The Pastoral Council is responsible for all standing commissions of St. Gabriel Parish and all standing committees of St. Gabriel Parish are accountable to the Pastoral Council. This council meets on the second Tuesday of the month.
The Parish Finance Council is the consultative body in all parish financial matters. This council meets on the third Wednesday of the month.
St. Gabriel Parish prides itself on our comprehensive Religious Education Programs for all ages. This commission meets on the last Tuesday of the month.
The Prayer and Worship Commission's mission is to ensure that parishioners are provided with opportunities to deepen their faith through various prayer experiences and liturgical celebrations. This commission meets on the second Monday of the month.
As a subcommittee to Prayer & Worship, the Christian Women organization strives to live out our Parish Mission to:
Proclaim…Form…Live…our faith.
Christian Women is primarily a spiritual organization, welcoming any female parishioner.
This compassionate group of women often assists with funeral luncheons as well as provide desserts for the luncheons.
Through special events, Christian Women promote Christmas Cribs in homes; and bake sales, to sponsor scholarships for college-bound students.
For more information about meeting dates, please contact the Parish Office (262)628-1141.
The Human Concerns Commission discerns the needs of persons in the parish and wider community, especially the poor, and identifies resources to meet those needs enlisting the active cooperation of parish members. This commission meets on the first Tuesday of the month.
The Stewardship Commission promotes the biblical concept of stewardship to all parishioners and parish groups by encouraging our community to recognize the blessings we have come from God and it is our obligation to give back to God. This commission meets on the last Monday of the month.
The cemetery committee exists as a spiritual extension of St. Gabrial’s parish. It is commissioned to ensure that the reverence and holiness of each cemetery is maintained. The committee establishes and prioritizes the needs of each cemetery, ensures that ground maintenance and cleanliness are performed, ensures good repairs of the local signage, and identifies long term maintenance and repair needs. The cemetery committee does not deal with areas where we have established providers: such as mowing the grass, snow plowing, grave opening and closing, and needed grave touch-ups.
If interested in learning more about this ministry, please contact:
Dick Lemminger Sr. (cell) 414-588-7125, (home) 262-628-1805
The School Advisory Commission team is a representative parent group of the entire school, from K4 through 8th grade, including the Principal and a representative from the Parish Council. This commission meets on the third Tuesday of the month.
The Buildings and Grounds Committee oversees the operation, maintenance, and repair of our parish buildings and grounds.
MARRC (Marketing and Recruitment Retention Committee) strives to grow our St. Gabriel Catholic community through promotion, branding, and building awareness of our parish and school. This committee meets on the first Monday of the month.
We, the people of St. Gabriel Parish, brothers and sisters in Christ, have as our Mission to PROCLAIM Christ
and make (FORM) disciples through the sacramental life (LIVE) of the Catholic Church,
and to create an environment where all can live out this mission.
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