Finance Council

Finance Council

 “In each parish, there is to be a finance council which is governed, in addition to universal law, by norms issued by the diocesan bishop and in which the Christian faithful, selected according to these same norms, are to assist the pastor in the administration of the goods of the parish, without prejudice to the prescript of can, 532 (i.e., the pastor represents the parish in all juridic affairs).”

- Code of Canon Law, c. 537. This consultative body is called a Parish Finance Council.

The Council is comprised of selected members of the parish who meet monthly to provide expertise and consultation through financial analysis, planning and policy development. The Finance Council works with parish leadership in the administration of parish assets in order to accomplish the vision and mission of St Gabriel Parish.

The Finance Council meets a minimum of 6 meetings per year and requires the following committees to assist with specific responsibilities:

  • Budget Committee: facilitates and approves the parish budget as well as reviews the periodic financial statements for budget performance.
  • Buildings & Grounds Committee: oversees the proper working and major maintenance of parish buildings and grounds.
  • Cemetery Committee: oversees the proper recording and maintenance of parish cemetery grounds and establishes cemetery plot pricing, plot policies, and restrictions.
  • Personnel Committee: acts as a hiring committee for parish director positions; sets policies in the employee handbook; advises on employee benefits and salaries and acts as an advisory committee to the pastor and director of administration on non-confidential personnel matters.

The Finance Council shall have 5 members:

  • 2 representatives selected from the at-large membership of the Parish Pastoral Council by the membership of the Pastoral Council
  • 2 members of the parish appointed by the pastor
  • 1 trustee appointed by the pastor

YOUR GIFT OF TIME: one monthly meeting, 1 - 2 hours in length, special projects as needed.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the business of the Parish Finance Council, please feel free to contact Fr. Tim, or Mike Reichert, Director of Administrative Services, at

Current Committee Members include the following parishioners and staff:

  • John Borgen - Chairperson
  • George Wiciak - Parish Trustee Treasurer
  • Bill Humpal - Parish Trustee Secretary 
  • Financial Council Liaison - Rob McDonald
  • Kevin Brehm
  • Fr. Tim Bickel - Pastor
  • Mike Reichert - Director of Administrative Services
  • Laura Rogacki - Finance Manager
  • Connie Helm - Director of Development

Archdiocese of Milwaukee Parish Finance Council Norms

Finance Council Meeting Minutes

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