Building & Grounds Committee

Building & Grounds Committee

The Buildings & Grounds Committee oversees the operation, maintenance, and repair of our parish buildings and grounds.

This committee evaluates the current needs of our parish properties and plans for current and future requirements.

They study project and maintenance bids and make recommendations to the parish council through the finance committee.

When possible, they find parishioners who will donate their time and talent to handle necessary parish building and grounds repairs and maintenance.

This committee ensures building security and safety (ice and snow removal, fire hazards, playground conditions) and studies parish needs for heat, lighting, and air-conditioning with the aim of conserving energy. 

The Buildings & Grounds Committee is comprised of many knowledgeable parishioners and meets every other month.  Under this committee is a sub-committee for emergency safety preparedness comprised of active and non-active first responders from the parish.

If you are interested in the Buildings & Grounds Committee, please contact Mike Reichert in the parish office. 

New members always welcome!

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