St. Gabriel Parish is participating in wave five of the Archdiocesan Love One Another Campaign. All parishes in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee have been asked to participate and most of the parishes have completed or will be completing their efforts soon. The Love One Another Campaign seeks to raise pledges totaling $150 million to be used for local parish needs, helping the poor, and strengthening Catholic ministries across the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
Each parish was assigned a goal, with 60% of the funds staying with the parish and 40% allocated for Archdiocesan ministries, such as the Seminary, community assistance, and support for Catholic schools. St. Gabriel's leaders and finance council felt that directing 40% to the Archdiocese would not be wise stewardship of the funds raised, especially given current increased interest rates. Our focus must be on debt reduction.
Thanks to the generosity of the Archdiocese, we reached a compromise: 100% of the funds raised during this campaign
will remain at St. Gabriel. When we sell the St. Hubert’s
property, our parish will pledge the first $400,000 to cover
our portion of the Love One Another campaign. This fulfills
the original amount the Archdiocese had requested to
come from our parish.
Fr. Tim and John Borgen 1-minute message
We officially kicked off our campaign during all Masses on
the weekend of October 12 and 13. If you did not recieve
your personal invitation to support this important effort for our parish, please contact Connie Helm, Director of Development, at You can also find additional information in this weekend’s bulletin.
To learn more, please
click here to read the St. Gabriel Parish Case Document.
The tremendous generosity of our parishioners and supporters allowed us to build the St. Gabriel Catholic School & Formation Center in 2018. This facility has allowed us to support the mission of our 4K – 8th grade school, religious education, youth ministry, and adult faith formation ministries. This beautiful space has enabled us to expand additional ministries such as the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program, funeral luncheons, OWLS group, parish speakers, auction, holiday boutique, and more.
All contributions to this campaign will be used to reduce the remaining debt from our 2018 campus expansion. Only by achieving our challenge goal will we eliminate the entire balance. Your contributions will help us achieve even greater financial strength and aid us in continuing to expand and fulfill our parish mission. At the conclusion of this campaign, a donor recognition wall will be created to mark the generosity of those who contributed to our current and previous capital campaigns.
To learn more click the links below.
Watch your mailbox for a letter from Fr. Tim containing a pledge card that can be returned to the parish office at any time or in the weekend collection baskets.
You can also submit your pledge online using the link below. Please ensure that you select our parish ‘L27 – St. Gabriel’, when making your online pledge.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Are We Conducting this Campaign?
The Many Parts, One Body Campaign and building project was conducted in 2016-2019. Through the amazing generosity of our parish family, we were able to build our School & Formation Center. After construction was completed, we were left with $3 million in debt. We had planned a debt reduction campaign however the Covid pandemic halted our plans. Despite not having a formal campaign to reduce that debt we have still been able to lower that amount to $2.1 million. What amazing generosity and stewardship! We now want to eliminate this debt so that our financial future can look even brighter.
Why Should I Care About Our School & Formation Center if I no longer have children there?
Our parish school is our largest ministry and provides for the formation of our parish’s future congregation and our community’s future leaders. This school year we have achieved a record enrollment of 143 students. This building is also used by many of our other parish ministries. We have launched a new women’s ministry that brings together more than 40 women each week in the parish hall. The popular Holiday Boutique has been able to expand from 30 to 76 vendors. Our Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program is excelling and bringing so many children to Jesus.
Why Does my Money Have to go to the Archdiocese first?
All 188 parishes are taking part in parish “waves” from summer 2021 to mid-2024. Every individual and family in the Archdiocese will be asked to prayerfully consider making their best campaign pledge. The Archdiocese is taking on the administrative responsibilities involved with a campaign of this size. This is a great benefit to our parish as we will not incur the financial costs and lost staff hours of processing and managing these payments for the next three years.
How Can I Help Our Campaign be Successful?
For any questions, please contact Connie Helm, Director of Development at
To learn more about the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, please click the button below.
Almighty and ever-living God,
we humbly pray for strength and fortitude to follow
your great commission to:
proclaim Christ and make disciples, through the sacramental life of the Catholic Church.
Inspire in your people generous hearts to strengthen our support of the
Love One Another Campaign,
By serving those in need, supporting vocations,
and educating our children in the faith.
Guide us in the stewardship of the gifts that You have given us,
listen to the special intentions that have been brought forward by our parish,
and give us joy in serving You and Your Church now and forever.
We, the people of St. Gabriel Parish, brothers and sisters in Christ, have as our Mission to PROCLAIM Christ
and make (FORM) disciples through the sacramental life (LIVE) of the Catholic Church,
and to create an environment where all can live out this mission.
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