

“Dear Young People, let yourselves be taken over by the light of Christ and spread that light wherever you go.”   

-Saint John Paul II

Confirmation is a sacrament of transformation – one in which the individual is ready to live as a disciple of Christ.

It is necessary for the completion of baptismal graces and brings one more closely into the church.

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee identifies junior year as the most developmentally appropriate time for an individual to pursue preparation and reception of this Sacrament.

Expectations for Confirmation Preparation:

Those desiring to be confirmed go through a formal preparation for the Sacrament. Through that preparation certain expectations must be fulfilled.

  • Small Groups: Participants who attended 9th-grade and 10th-grade small groups will have eight sessions. Those who did not attend these groups will have 13 sessions.
  • Sponsor: Select a sponsor who embodies the Catholic faith. You must engage with your sponsor for a Mass, a service project, and a Sponsor/Candidate gathering.
  • January Retreat: Attendance is mandatory for all. The retreat is scheduled for January 10-12, 2025.
  • Selection of a Saint: Choose a saint that intrigues you or whom you admire. Discuss how this saint can guide you on your spiritual journey within your small group.
  • Letter of Intent: All students must write a letter of intent to the presiding Bishop.

Please contact Lea Rosenberg, Director of Youth Ministry, at or (262) 628-1141 if you have questions regarding this sacrament preparation.

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