Anointing of the Sick

Anointing of the Sick

Anointing & Communion for the Sick and Shut-In Ministry

If you or your loved one is facing surgery, an illness, or end of life issues, the Sacrament of Anointing is a spiritual and prayerful blessing. Anointing is always most effective when you AND your loved one are able to participate in prayer.

Contact the pastor to make arrangements for this personal sacrament. Inform the parish office of parishioners who are unable to attend Mass because of illness, surgery or age and would like communion. We will arrange for a St. Gabriel Parish Communion Minister to deliver communion after the weekend or daily mass.

We also offer Communal Anointing during the fall of each year. The Communal Anointing is not just for those nearing death but is a blessing for all those with acute and chronic illnesses, emotional, chemical, and mental illnesses, and physical disabilities. 

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