Music Ministry

Music Ministry

St. Gabriel has many opportunities for parishioners to share their time and talent through the ministry of music. If you already participate, thank you for your stewardship in the St. Gabriel music ministries! Your participation greatly enhances worship for all our parishioners – you are greatly appreciated! We love welcoming new members--please prayerfully consider joining one of our choirs, or sharing your talents as a cantor or musician.

Volunteer Opportunities in Music Ministry

Cantors lead congregational singing at each Saturday and Sunday Liturgy

If you play or have played guitar, drums, flute, trumpet, or violin and would like to use those talents in praise of our Lord or would like to join a small group choir, please contact Joe Hauer at

This choir is open to teens and adults, and meets weekly to rehearse from September through Easter.

This Choir is open to students in grades 1 - 8, and assists at Mass twice a year at Christmas and Pentecost.  All St. Gabriel youth are invited to participate!

If you would like to participate, please reach out to Joe Hauer, Music Director, at

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