"Sometimes, I am moved so much by the readings and homilies at Mass I may just have to start carrying a pen and pad to church.
I wanted to take some time to just say THANK YOU! I have received so much positive feedback from parishioners who have read what I've
submitted thus far. I am so grateful for those connections that I have missed so much when we were all homebound. I am proud to share
my gift from God with all of you and the fact that people are really connecting with them means so much to me. Thank you for my church
home that is St. Gabriel's. Never have I ever found so much love and acceptance and the opportunity to be a part of something so much
bigger than myself. So, how's my week? Pretty amazing when I get to worship again in church with my faith family.
Thank you again, and God bless! "
Oh most Holy Father in heaven.
The Lenten season falls upon us once again.
Let us pray for a renewal of our faith.
That will surpass these forty days and not end.
Let us rejoice in our sacrifices.
That we will make during this spring season.
Let us remember all that Jesus sacrificed.
For without Him we would have no reason.
Let us all reflect on our days gone by.
As we repent, turn away from sin and pray.
So that we remember the gift that awaits us all.
Knowing He is the light, the truth, and the way.
Let us pray in gratitude for everything in our lives.
That we may always be generous in our almsgiving.
Giving thanks to our Lord for all of His blessings.
That He is with us each day that we are living.
We are all reminded during these forty days.
Of our own mortality.
We are thankful for the gift of salvation.
That we will someday awaken and see.
Our sacrifices will never compare.
Nor be more difficult than what He gave.
He suffered and died on the cross for us all.
So that we too shall rise up from the grave.
© D.B. Reynolds
What will you do in twenty-twenty-two?
Are there changes you’d like to see in you?
Anything following you from the last year?
Are there still old hurdles you need to clear?
It seems this year has already mimicked last.
There’s another pandemic we need to get past.
So now more than ever we need God in our lives.
Taking time each day to pray we must prioritize.
Maybe we can all use this as an opportunity.
To spend time with our father just you and me.
To reconnect with him like a long-lost friend.
Giving thanks to our Lord before each day’s end.
Let us pray for our loved ones; family and friends.
Let us pray that this pandemic will come to an end.
Let us pray to grow stronger in our faith with him.
Let us pray for his light to shine, in a world so dim.
So, how was your week? Did you encounter Christ?
With each day in prayer, you will soon be surprised.
You will feel a connection, a fire from deep within.
You will have renewed strength to battle against sin.
Then no matter what the beginning of this New Year.
You can come each week to worship without any fear.
You’ll know in your heart, and you’ll know in your soul.
That with each passing week you are reaching your goal.
I can promise you this, as I can with all of God’s words.
When you speak to him in prayer, you are heard.
And God will respond to you, indeed there is no hoping.
So make sure in 2022 you are EPHPHATHA – be open!
©D.B. Reynolds
There are events that happen here, that I just do not understand.
I’m sorry I question you first and wonder, where were your hands?
I do not blame you, my God, I know for everything there is a season.
I just cannot wrap my mind around, whatever the excuse or reason.
So many took part to spread some cheer, after so many difficult days.
There were musicians & dancers young & old, doing their part to amaze.
A gathering of families, friends, and neighbors excited for their tradition.
Now like everything else that’s changed, this too shall have a new rendition.
Keep us from selfish thoughts oh Lord, for so many this will not end today.
Let us gather together in faith, for there are more for whom we should pray.
For the children who are young enough, oh Lord please let them forget.
For those who are blaming themselves, please ease them of their regrets.
Dear God, we pray for health and healing for those who were rushed away.
Let them feel the peace of all your love, and restored faith in each new day.
For those who suffer from the loss of a loved one, family member, or friend.
Remind them that this life is only the beginning and is certainly not the end.
Dear Lord God, father in heaven, give us all the strength to pull through.
Instead of pointing our fingers up to the sky let us lift up our hands to you.
For these are the times our faith is tested, it would be easy to go astray.
Let us be grateful for all that we have, not all that has been taken away.
Tonight there’s a parade in heaven, the angels sing and loved ones cheer.
More of God’s children have come home, and he loves them all so dear.
The night sky will shine a little brighter tonight, so wipe those tears away.
In heaven there is no more loss or tears, they are home, and home to stay.
© D.B. Reynolds
We, the people of St. Gabriel Parish, brothers and sisters in Christ, have as our Mission to PROCLAIM Christ
and make (FORM) disciples through the sacramental life (LIVE) of the Catholic Church,
and to create an environment where all can live out this mission.
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