Cemetery Commitee

Cemetery Committee

The cemetery committee exists as a spiritual extension of St. Gabriel’s parish. It is commissioned to ensure that the reverence and holiness of each cemetery is maintained. The committee establishes and prioritizes the needs of each cemetery, ensures that ground maintenance and cleanliness are performed, ensures good repairs of the local signage, and identifies long term maintenance and repair needs. The cemetery committee does not deal with areas where we have established providers: such as mowing the grass, snow plowing, grave opening and closing, and needed grave touch-ups.


If interested in learning more about this ministry, please contact:

Dick Lemminger, Sr. at cell (414) 588-7125 or home (262) 628-1805

Committee Members include:

  • Jake Jilling
  • Dick Lemminger, Jr.
  • Bob Rauch
  • Mike Wood

List of 2024 Achievements

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