The Catholic tradition of volunteering is rooted in selflessness and sacrificial love. Volunteering is a way to grow as a disciple of Christ, practice our virtues, and become more like Christ. Please consider sharing your time and talents with our St. Gabriel parish.
Thank you for considering a financial contribution to St. Gabriel parish. We are deeply grateful for all the gifts that we receive. There are many ways to financially support the needs of our parish. If you would like to speak to someone about donating, please contact Connie Helm, Director of Development, in the parish office at (262) 628-1141 x 236, or email her.
Envelopes, offertory pledges, and unrestricted gifts to our parish go toward our general operating needs. This provides for our ministries (school, formation, human concerns, etc.), as well as lighting, heat, snowplowing, general maintenance, and more. Please prayerfully consider contributing what you are able, within your means.
For those of us who would prefer not to use the envelope system, you may have contributions taken out of your checking or savings account or charged to your credit card automatically. To set this free and easy system up, simply fill out and “ACH/Credit Card Contribution” form and return it to Connie Helm in the parish office. You may put your completed form in the collection basket (put it in a sealed envelope with Connie’s name on it), or mail it to the parish office. Due to the sensitive information on this form, please do not email.
Double your contribution to St. Gabriel! Many donors enhance the impact of their gifts through their employer’s matching gifts program; some even match gifts made by retirees and spouses. Contact your human resource department for eligibility requirements and an application form and begin doubling your gift to St. Gabriel. If your employer doesn’t have a matching gift program, ask them to consider starting one.
St. Gabriel Parish has several restricted funds. Monies contributed to these funds are utilized only as purposed by the restrictions of the specified fund. In addition, only donors can restrict a contribution or donation. All contributions and donations received to the parish are considered general funds, unless a donor chooses to restrict the contribution or donation to a specified restricted fund.
We have a variety of fundraisers throughout the year for you to share your time, talents, and/or treasures.
Click the link below to learn more.
We, the people of St. Gabriel Parish, brothers and sisters in Christ, have as our Mission to PROCLAIM Christ
and make (FORM) disciples through the sacramental life (LIVE) of the Catholic Church,
and to create an environment where all can live out this mission.
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