I am the Director of Youth Ministry and have worked at St. Gabriel's for over 4 years. Although, I've been a parishioner for at least 10 years.
Much of why I love working at St. Gabriel has to do with why I chose to become a member because I felt comfortable and accepted. St. Gabriel also offers an array of ministries to our people whether it be ways to deepen your spirituality or to serve others. I've come to find that the staff is a fun team to be working with and I've come to really appreciate our volunteers and our teens. We have good people here.
I am married to my husband, James, and we have 3 kids- Luke, Mari, and Josie. All three attend St. Gabriel day school. In my spare time, I enjoy caring for animals - we have a dog, a bunny, and some chickens. I'm hoping someday to have donkeys. I also enjoy playing sports and being outside as much as I can whether it be working in the garden, playing with my kids, spending time on the water, or exploring all the various trails we have around here.
My favorite saint, hands down, is St. Mother Teresa. I remember hearing and witnessing stories about her as I was growing up. I was completely drawn in by the way she took care of the sick around her. As I've read some of her writings, I've come to realize that she kept it simple - do small things with great love. That message is simple but challenging to follow sometimes but it's one I strive to do every day.
We, the people of St. Gabriel Parish, brothers and sisters in Christ, have as our Mission to PROCLAIM Christ
and make (FORM) disciples through the sacramental life (LIVE) of the Catholic Church,
and to create an environment where all can live out this mission.
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