The St. Vincent de Paul Society is a Catholic lay organization of women and men who join together to grow spiritually and offer person-to-person service to those in need in the tradition of its patron, St. Vincent de Paul. Worldwide in scope, our St. Gabriel – St. Mary of the Hill Conference is geared to the needs of our Parish members and the local community.
Referrals from our pastors, parish nurses, fellow parishioners, and other agencies in Washington County are followed by a home visit by two members to determine specific needs. Visitors are sensitive to confidentiality and respect for the dignity of those contacted. Assistance can vary from: basic needs of food, clothing, medical needs, and financial counseling; homeless prevention through help with rent/utility bills; or, just being a good listener.
The St. Vincent de Paul Ministry is an opportunity for parishioners to answer the call of those less fortunate. The Conference meets on the first and third Mondays of the month and membership is open to all parishioners. Parish members fund the work of St. Vincent de Paul through personal contributions and the Mass collections on Holy Thursday and Thanksgiving Day.
Merged Parishes St. Vincent de Paul Conference
The two active members of the St. Vincent de Paul Conference at St. Gabriel Parish have joined the nine active members of the neighboring St. Boniface Conference. Effective October 1, 2024, the newly named St. Boniface/St. Gabriel Conference will serve both Parishes associated with the St Vincent de Paul Washington County District Council.
This action, both supported by Father Tim and the St. Boniface Conference, will combine resources to provide person-to-person advocacy and financial assistance to people in need.
Parishioners may call the Parish Office at (262) 628-1141 to seek assistance, refer someone in need, or for more details regarding this Ministry. Contributions to the St. Vincent de Paul Society are tax-exempt and can be sent to the Parish Office.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is meeting the Gospel Challenge to see the face of Christ in the poor regardless of race, religion, or country of national origin.
We, the people of St. Gabriel Parish, brothers and sisters in Christ, have as our Mission to PROCLAIM Christ
and make (FORM) disciples through the sacramental life (LIVE) of the Catholic Church,
and to create an environment where all can live out this mission.
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