I am Roy Spieckerman and I am the Director of Liturgy at St. Gabriel. I have had this position since 2019.
I assist in developing the annual plan for parish liturgies, working closely with parish clergy and relevant staff. Additionally, I collaborate with the Prayer and Worship Commission to offer guidance and supervision to its members for effective and timely planning of all liturgical events. I also liaise with the Director of Music to ensure that the music aligns well with the liturgical theme of each event, including Sunday liturgies.
Moreover, I oversee our funeral ministry by closely collaborating with Sacristans and other volunteers to ensure smooth flow of the liturgy. When necessary, I coordinate with the Director of Finance to adhere to the annual liturgy budget and monitor expenses. My responsibility entails ensuring that all liturgical events are adequately resourced and meticulously planned.
My wife Terry and I joined the St. Gabriel community back in 1997 when we moved to Richfield. At that time we joined St Hubert Parish. We enrolled our two children, Roy III and Mary, in St. Hubert School.
I really enjoy my job here at St Gabriel Parish. I love working with all of the volunteers. They are dedicated to serving the God through their ministries. If you wish to volunteer to help the Parish, we can always use help in all of these areas.
To volunteer it is as easy as giving me a call or sending me an e-mail.
We, the people of St. Gabriel Parish, brothers and sisters in Christ, have as our Mission to PROCLAIM Christ
and make (FORM) disciples through the sacramental life (LIVE) of the Catholic Church,
and to create an environment where all can live out this mission.
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