Since 2007, I have been active in professional ministry, from launching a new parish in northern Illinois to serving as an Associate Director for the graduate degree programs for lay students at the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, Illinois. Before working in lay ministry, I was a seminarian for the Diocese of Rockford, Illinois, and worked as a journalist for newspapers in Indiana and Illinois for 10 years.
A native of Northwest Indiana, I graduated from Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, and earned a master’s degree in divinity from Loyola University through the Archdiocese of Chicago’s lay ecclesial ministry program in 2016.
I am excited to be a member of St. Gabriel’s parish community and walking with our members, wherever God is guiding them and supporting the parish’s mission of accompanying our parishioners to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through the Church and its Sacraments.
We, the people of St. Gabriel Parish, brothers and sisters in Christ, have as our Mission to PROCLAIM Christ
and make (FORM) disciples through the sacramental life (LIVE) of the Catholic Church,
and to create an environment where all can live out this mission.
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